The treatment by magnetism is a soft medicine that uses energies. Magnetism or energy healing is an alternative medicine that complements conventional medicine. Its purpose is to purify the body of negative energies that disturb our body and promote the development of chronic diseases.
The magnetizer uses energy to rebalance a disturbed organism.
Far from being a gift, magnetism is in fact an ancestral practice which wants to be empirical because transmitted through the generations.
Magnetism is a fluid in the form of energy that circulates in any living organism. It is he who allows to supply the body with energy essential to its balance.
Magnetism is a natural therapy that treats physical ailments as well as psychic and/or emotional disorders.
Although every human being has it, not everyone knows how to use magnetism. The role of the magnetizer is to help the person rebalance their body. For this, he uses the cosmic energy that he transmits with his hands, his gaze, his breath...
At first, the magnetizer helps the person to let go to free themselves from their stress and thus be relaxed enough to receive the energy.
The Barrage of Fire
Cutaneous burns due to oil, water, flames but also linked to radiotherapy exposure.